Personal Infomation
Rider's name:    Gender:Male  Female

Your Measurements
Height (cm):
Torso (cm):
Forearm (cm):
Arm (cm):
Shoulder (cm):
Inseam (cm):
Lower leg (cm):
Feet length (US unit):

Bike Size Calculator is a formulation to deduce right bike dimensions by essential cycling characteristics. Result accuracy depends on the precision of user's input, and we assume users to have a good knowledge of bike geometry. For professional advices, please contact Bull Bike's Certified Fitter.

Visit Bull Bike Professional Fitting to discover more about Bull Bike's fitting service.

Please input some information on the left hand side to calculate your suitable frame size and initial position.

Body Flexibility

The reach test is a common measure of flexibility,
and specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles.

To Upper Leg
To Lower Leg
To Malleolus
To Feet
Fingertip to Floor
Knuckle to floor
Palm to Floor

Tang Wang Yip

Pedal Type

What type of pedal will you use? Clipless or Flat?

Riding Style

Please select your riding style.

Very Leisure
Very Aggressive

Tang Wang Yip